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Oregon Amends the Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA)

Samuel Hernandez

Updated: Oct 5, 2021

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Oregon Legislature amended OFLA reducing eligibility requirements and expanding its protections.

House Bill 2474 expands eligibility to all employees of a covered employer during a period of public health emergency, if the employee worked for the employer for at least 30 days prior to the date on which the family leave is to be begin and also worked for the covered employer an average of 25 or more hours per week. The amendments add that an eligible employee can now take leave to care for a child who requires home care due to school closure or child care as a result of a public health emergency. The amendments also make employees separated from their employment for any reason illegible to take leave if they are reemployed by the covered employer within 180 days after the separation and were the employee was otherwise eligible to take leave prior to being separated. Finally, the amendments replaced gendered language allowing a "female eligible employee" to take leave for pregnancy disability reason to "an eligible employee". These changes take effect on January 1, 2022.

Employers should review their employee policies and work with their counsel to update them consistent with the above amendments.


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